Fan Code of Conduct

Loyola University Chicago wants all fans to enjoy the action and excitement of our athletics events in an atmosphere that promotes a safe and pleasant experience and sportsmanlike conduct. All members of the University community, Loyola visitors, guests and students are expected to adhere to the following standards of fan conduct.

In addition, season ticket holders, as the account holder of record, are responsible for the conduct of the individuals to whom they provide tickets and are subject to these standards. The following behaviors are prohibited while attending athletic events associated with and held in Loyola University Chicago facilities and surrounding parking lots:
  • Failure to comply with any reasonable direction of Campus Safety Officers, ushers, ticket takers, or any other security, emergency, or arena personnel.
  • Fighting, taunting, or engaging in any conduct that may harm, endanger, or threaten anyone in the arena.
  • Sitting in a seat other than one’s ticketed location or refusing to produce one’s game ticket upon request by arena personnel.
  • Possession or use of any illegal drugs or irresponsible use of alcohol.
  • Loitering in concourses, aisles, tunnels, or stairs.
  • Use of foul, abusive, and obscene language or behavior. Including discriminatory language or gestures on the basis of gender, sexual orientation, gender identification, age, race, national origin, religion, military status, disability status, or any other characteristic.
  • Damage, destruction, vandalism, or theft of any personal, public, or University property.
  • Unauthorized use of disabled seating platforms or any seating designated for persons with a disability.
  • Engaging in any action that causes a disruption, creates an unsafe environment, interferes with the game, or hinders the enjoyment of the game for others.
  • Mistreatment of opposing team fans, including verbal abuse, harassment, profanity, confrontations, intimidation, or threatening behavior directed toward others.
  • Refusal to remove or turn inside-out clothing deemed offensive or obscene upon request by arena personnel.
  • Unauthorized use of signs or noisemakers.
  • Unauthorized entry to the court of play at any time.
  • Possession of any prohibited item(s) (see prohibited items list below)  
Failure to follow the fan Code of Conduct may result in ejection from the arena, revocation of ticket privileges, referral to the Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution, and/or arrest. Loyola students are considered representatives of the University and are therefore subject to the Student Code of Conduct as well as the fan Code of Conduct while attending any event.

All patrons and any items brought into the arena are subject to search. Failure to cooperate will result in non-admittance into the arena. Loyola University Chicago and it’s staff are not responsible for items left behind at the gate or items, lost, stolen, or damaged.

Prohibited Items

For the safety and comfort of all patrons and guests, the following items are not permitted in the arena without express authorization of arena staff: Aerosol cans, alcohol, animals with the exception of disability service animals, artificial noisemakers, confetti, coolers, fireworks, smoke bombs, ice chests, drugs (including both illegal drugs and other recreational substances used as drugs), laser pens and pointers, hoverboards or skateboards, unauthorized banners, signs, or flags, poles to display banners or flags, weapons, or any other items deemed to be dangerous or inappropriate.